Team Creation

Use this form to create a new team within your brokerage. All fields are required. 

Aiken MLS Team Policy

  1. A team is defined as two or more Aiken MLS Participants or Subscribers working or acting as one for all transactions.
  2. To create a team, the Participant/Subscriber will need to complete the team application.
  3. The Participant/Subscriber must notify the MLS Office of all team changes, including removing a member from the team, the addition of a team member, the transfer of a member to a new team, or termination of a team. Please email to make changes to a team.
  4. Participants/Subscribers may only be on one team at a time.
  5. Team members may access the MLS at the same time.
  6. Teams must identify a team leader.
  7. Team email addresses must be unique.
  8. Aiken MLS does not allow teams to register names that imply the team is an independent brokerage. Team names should not indicate in any way that the team is its own business or entity. The following words are prohibited from being in a team name registered with Aiken MLS:
    1. Advisors
    2. Agency
    3. Associates
    4. Brokerage
    5. Brokers
    6. Company
    7. Consultants
    8. Corporation
    9. Corp., or Inc.
    10. Partners
    11. Partnership
    12. Properties
    13. Property
    14. Real Estate
    15. Realty
    16. Other words deemed inappropriate by MLS Staff

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Aiken MLS does not allow teams to register names that imply the team is an independent brokerage. Team names should not indicate in any way that the team is its own business or entity. The following words are prohibited from being in a team name registered with Aiken MLS:

  • Advisors
  • Agency
  • Associates
  • Brokerage
  • Brokers
  • Company

  • Consultants
  • Corporation
  • Corp., or Inc.
  • Partners
  • Partnership
  • Properties

  • Property
  • Real Estate
  • Realty
  • Or any other words deemed inappropriate by MLS Staff

Please enter a new username for the team.

Each team member must have a unique email address different from the Team Email address. We will not create your team without a unique email address.

Please list all MLS numbers of listings to be transferred to the team's inventory.